HPI (Hosted Private Infrastructure) is a physically isolated VMware vSphere virtual infrastructure which has a large variety of capabilities for different needs of large enterprises and is exclusively used by the customer “as a service".
Unlike equipment rental, HPI provides you with a ready-to-use, scalable, kept up-to-date service with software license & technical support and performance secured by the provider.
HPI is built on the VMware vCloud technology stack in accordance with the concept of a software-defined data center. The cloud has Production-Grade Support.
The platform is flexibly adapted to various requirements of business, has advanced functionality and the ability to deeply integration with own infrastructure and cloud services.
Sovereign Cloud powered by VMware - the guarantee of data protection and compliance with regulatory requirements
Download presentation "Private cloud as a service"
Технічний опис приватної хмари De Novo в Україні, та екосистеми доповнень - PaaS платформ:
• HDI - Цифрові робочі простори як сервіс
• HCI - Платформа Kubernetes як сервіс
• HTI - Hosted tensor Infrastructure
HPI testing options
Test trial
- 14 days free trial;
- Fully functional system
- Requires prior approval
Pilot contract
- 3-6 months short term contract on special terms
- HPI placement on premise is available
- Option of seamless transition to a commercial contract on special terms is available
Whitepaper: Public or Private — which cloud to choose?
Whitepaper: True Private Cloud — how to make it more convenient?
Object Storage Backup Repository (OSBR)
The service is designed to function as part of HPI together with Veeam Backup & Replication Enterprise edition or higher.
OSBR provides storage of two sets of backups: local and geo remote.Restoring from a geo copy is possible to any VMware or Hyper-V virtual infrastructure with Veeam Backup & Replication installed or to the cloud of one of the global cloud providers: Google Cloud, AWS, Azure, with some limitations or to De Novo cloud.
The Local Copy is stored directly in the HPI and provides quick recovery of part or all of the application landscape in cases of logical data destruction due to software or human errors, destructive virus activity, etc.
The Geo Remote Copy is in AWS S3. It is created concurrently with the local one as a Disaster Recovery feature, which allows you to restore the application landscape when the HPI complex is completely inaccessible.