CLOUD BACKUP as a Service | Cloud BaaS

De Novo offers a wide range of tools that allow you to flexibly backup your data both directly in the cloud or on premise, and between the De Novo cloud and on premise or other public cloud.

Baas | Inside the Cloud
Baas | Inside the Cloud

The most simple and automated backup of the applied landscape in the De Novo cloud. Self-managed recovery management through the BaaS portal.

Flex Backup | Inside the Cloud
Flex Backup | Inside the Cloud

The most flexible backup of the application landscape in the De Novo cloud. Self-managed backup and task updates through the Flex Backup portal.

BaaS Geo XR | Cloud - Global Cloud
BaaS Geo XR | Cloud - Global Cloud

Automated backup of the application landscape in the De Novo cloud with an additional backup in AWS S3. Self-managed recovery in the local cloud through the BaaS portal.

Flex Backup Geo XR | Cloud - Global Cloud
Flex Backup Geo XR | Cloud - Global Cloud

Flexible backup of the application landscape in the De Novo cloud with an additional backup in AWS S3. Self-managed backup and task updates through the Flex Backup Portal.

BaaS Geo | Cloud - Cloud
BaaS Geo | Cloud - Cloud

Applied landscape backup in the De Novo cloud with an additional backup placed in the remote De Novo cloud. Self-managed recovery in the local cloud through the BaaS portal. Possibility of recovery in a remote De Novo Cloud.

Flex Backup XR | Cloud - On premise
Flex Backup XR | Cloud - On premise

Backup the application landscape in the De Novo cloud with the backup placed on premise and / or in another public cloud. Self-management of backup and update tasks through the Flex Backup portal.

S3/Swift, VCR | On premise - Cloud
S3/Swift, VCR | On premise - Cloud

Backup your infrastructure to the De Novo cloud. Requires client-side Veeam Backup&Replication or Veeam Agent (VCR), HP Data Protector, CommVault Simpana, Veritas NetBackup (S3/Swift).

VCR | On premise - Cloud
VCR | On premise - Cloud

Backup your own infrastructure to the De Novo cloud with the ability to restore the application landscape both on premise and to the De Novo cloud. Requires client-side Veeam Backup&Replication or Veeam Agent.


Backup services within the BaaS cloud and Flex Backup provide system protection for application landscapes operating in De Novo clouds from logical data destruction caused by human errors, application software failures or incorrect updates. The De Novo cloud operating system performs the function of protection against hardware failures.

Backups are stored on a disk array specially allocated for this purpose, physically independent from the main storage. The repository is securely isolated from the client landscape, so the destruction of backups as a result of any destructive activity at the client landscape level (for example, due to a virus infection) is completely impossible.

Simple automated De Novo cloud backup
Flex Backup
Flexible De Novo cloud backup
Minimal securable objectVirtual data centerA virtual machine, regardless of whether it belongs to a specific virtual data center
Management The service is activated / deactivated through the helpdesk for the specified vDCs (one or more) and the backup schedule optionIndividual management of backup and recovery tasks through a web portal
Schedule and backup depth

7d - 7 days in increments of 1 day

4w - 4 weeks in increments of 1 week

31d - 31 days in increments of 1 day

Flexible management of backup schedule and depth
Recovery granularityFrom the virtual data center as a whole to a separate file on the disk of the virtual machine
BillingBy total volume of protected data disksBy volume of the repository

Download presentation "Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery"

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We've developed tools for building a backup IT infrastructure and recovery. The product is designed to keep the IT system functioning in case of partial or even complete failure, preserving all settings, configurations and network topology.

With De Novo DRaaS services it is possible to restore the infrastructure with minimal losses in a very short time from a few hours to a few minutes.


BaaS Geo, BaaS Geo XR, and Flex Backup Geo XR services are based on the same platform as BaaS/Flex Backup, but store two sets of backups.

  • A local copy is stored in the cloud where the application landscape is located, and provides fast recovery of part or all of the application landscape in cases of logical data destruction. Thus, the local copy is a complete analogue of the standard BaaS service.
  • The geo-copy is located outside the cloud in which the applied landscape is located, at a distance of at least 1500 km. A geo-copy is created simultaneously with a local one and performs the Disaster Recovery function, that is, it allows you to restore the applied landscape in case of complete inaccessibility of the cloud in which it was placed.

The Flex Backup XR service is similar to Flex Backup with the difference that backups are placed in an external repository provided by the client, in relation to the De Novo cloud.


BaaS Geo

In addition to the local one, a geo-copy is stored in one of the De Novo clouds (EU-Cloud if the applied landscape is located in NG-Cloud, and vice versa), and its restoration is possible in the same cloud. Recovery is carried out by contacting the support service. The advantage of this option is the increased recovery speed due to the use of a local network for data transfer.

Flex Backup XR

Backup copies can be placed on premise, as well as in any public cloud, including foreign ones, which the customer chooses independently. The repository should be a physical or virtual server with an up-to-date version of CentOS installed out of the box and a sufficient amount of local or network drives. To develop and implement a connection scheme, please contact the support service.

In addition to restoring a backup to the De Novo cloud, it is also possible to fully restore the application landscape to any vSphere virtual infrastructure, and this possibility remains even if the De Novo Cloud is completely unavailable. For offline recovery from external storage, you can use any edition of Veeam Backup & Replication or Veeam Backup Free Edition.

BaaS Geo XR and Flex Backup Geo XR

In addition to the local one, geo-copy is stored in AWS S3 object storage.

Restoring a geo-copy in this option is possible:

  • To any VMware (recommended) or Hyper-V virtual infrastructure with sufficient resources and any edition of Veeam Backup & Replication installed (including the free Community Edition). Recovery can be performed by the Customer completely without the need to involve the support service. To ensure this possibility, when connecting to the service, the Customer is provided with an account for independent access to the object storage and a backup encryption key.
  • To the cloud of one of the global cloud providers (GCP/AWS/Azure), with some restrictions. Recovery can be performed by the Customer completely without the need to involve the support service.
  • To one of the De Novo clouds (NG-Cloud or EU-Cloud) by contacting the support service.

Whitebook: DR and Backup as integrated business protection tools




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What is BaaS (Backup as a Service)?

Suppose you must ensure reliable data storage and protection from compromise or destruction. In that case, one of the most effective ways is to use cloud data backup services, such as BaaS. BaaS allows organizations to place their data in reliable remote and secure storage, ensuring its safety and availability in case of unforeseen circumstances, such as equipment failures, natural disasters, cyber-attacks, etc.

The basis of cloud backup services is special software that can be deployed both on the cloud at the operator’s site and on the client’s side. Such software regularly and automatically creates copies of your data to be protected and sends them (usually in encrypted form) to one or more cloud storage for backups. Encrypted copies of data are transmitted via a secure Internet connection to the BaaS provider’s cloud storage. Suppose the client’s data is already located in the operator’s cloud (for example, within the IaaS infrastructure). In that case, backup can also be performed automatically, for example, to another geographically remote service provider’s site. A combination of these two approaches is also possible.

When you need to restore data, you can do it via the web interface or with special software. You can select individual files or virtual machine images for recovery or restore the entire data set.

What tasks does Backup as a Service perform?

Cloud backup solves a wide range of problems related to data protection and business continuity. Among the main functions performed by this technology are:

  • Automated backup creation. BaaS automatically creates backup copies of your data on a set schedule, eliminating the need for you to start this process manually.
  • Storing data in the cloud. Backups are stored in secure and fail-safe cloud storage.
  • Data recovery. If you lose data from the main storage media, you can quickly restore it from the service's cloud storage.
  • Ensuring high availability. By storing backups in multiple, geographically distributed data centres, you can be confident that your data is safe even in the event of natural disasters or other unforeseen circumstances.
  • Cyber ​​attack protection. Many BaaS providers offer additional security measures such as data encryption, multi-factor authentication, and threat detection, providing additional layers of protection for your data.
  • Regulatory Compliance. BaaS helps organizations comply with various data protection regulations.

Benefits of the De Novo Cloud Backup

Backing up data to the cloud provides the operator's clients with a number of significant advantages that make the service an attractive solution for many companies, including businesses, healthcare and financial organizations, government agencies, etc. BaaS from De Novo automates backup processes, saving customers time and resources. Another advantage is that the volume of cloud storage can be easily scaled depending on your needs, and you can access your backups from anywhere in the world with an Internet connection. And, of course, flexible recovery tools allow you to quickly and reliably restore information from backups in the cloud. At the same time, the provider takes on technical issues related to ensuring the dependable and safe creation of support and data recovery from backups.

Cloud backup from De Novo offers a comprehensive solution to protect your company's data, ensuring reliability, convenience and flexibility. This is especially relevant for organizations that need to ensure business continuity and protect their data from all kinds of threats.

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