Resume for future vacancies

Thank you for your interest in our company.
De Novo is a place where you can implement your ideas.

If you want to be part of our team and contribute to the development, then send your resume! We will definitely consider it and, if there is a vacancy, we will contact you.

Sincerely, HR team De Novo

Submit your resume

Select vacancy
{{ getError('vacancies') }}
{{ getError('name') }}
{{ getError('phone') }}
file formats: *.txt, *.doc, *.docx, *.pdf / maximum size 5Мв
{{ getError('resume') }}
{{ getError('email') }}
{{ getError('message') }}

We understand the importance of personal data protection and would like to draw your attention to the fact that responding to this vacancy is a confirmation of your voluntary consent to the processing of personal data of De Novo LLC specified in your resume and additional data required to receive a response to this vacancy.

© 2008—2025 De Novo