The implementation of centralized branch backup system for FUIB (PUMB)
FUIB is also considered to be one of the most technologically advanced bank in Ukraine, aiming to improve the quality of services provided to bank customers. That is why ensuring business continuity and data security of its 11 subsidiaries, located across the entire territory of Ukraine, is a high priority task for the management of the bank.
FUIB is also considered to be one of the most technologically advanced bank in Ukraine, aiming to improve the quality of services provided to bank customers. That is why ensuring business continuity and data security of its 11 subsidiaries, located across the entire territory of Ukraine, is a high priority task for the management of the bank.
Project Objectives
The main objective of the project is to create a centralized data backup stored and processed in the bank branch network. Corresponding systems can significantly minimize the risks associated with data loss or corruption that can lead to failures in key business processes of the bank. In other words, implementation of centralized data backup system that effectively performs its functions is an important phase of a much more significant task – ensuring business continuity.
In addition to improving reliability and business continuity, the prerequisites for system implementation are geographically distributed structure of the bank and the introduction of new technologies for the IT infrastructure. In terms of geographical coverage the bank faced the need in centralized management, monitoring and data backup maintenance systems, and on the other hand the usage of virtualized operating environments required reconsidering applied approaches for data backup and failure resistance.
The project on centralized data backup system implementation consisted of two phases, each phase aimed to gain certain goals. During the first phase De Novo experts designed the solution, including the documentation package on functional component of the future system. The second phase was completely devoted to system development and testing.
Solution for FUIB
Project implementation was conducted in compliance with the De Novo own methodology. During the system design phase in order to reduce its overall cost, there was made a decision to create a replicable prototype and integrate corresponding prototypes in 2 branches of the bank thus enabling the bank employees to extend the solution to other units themselves. Based on the corresponding solution, De Novo team together with FUIB experts under the supervision of the project architect Sergey Stoyan, integrated the designed system in Donetsk, Dnipropetrovsk and Kyiv branches of FUIB, conducted proper testing and released to production. Moreover, project team provided the IT department of the bank with the full set of design and functional documentation. Based on this documentation and knowledge obtained in the training and system integration process, FUIB IT department will be able to independently replicate the solution to the other remaining branches. Main (production) backup servers were designed to meet the disaster resistance requirements.
Project Results
Technically the project completely meets the project objectives. After the centralized backup system replication completion the FUIB will become more reliable bank by reducing the risks associated with data loss and corruption. The Bank will meet the industry standards and best practices; will be less exposed to any human errors and at the same time the system maintenance and failure resistance services costs will be significantly reduced.
The distinctive feature of the project is the usage of existing hardware for data backup stored in branch offices — USB drives. Applying reduplication technology enables us to store data backup copies for each branch in compliance with rather strict requirements (in terms of backup capacity and duration) at 1-2 CDs.