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De Novo secured IT-infrastructure disaster recovery for ProCredit Bank

De Novo secured IT-infrastructure disaster recovery for ProCredit Bank


De Novo, national operator of cloud services, and Bank’s IT-team completed the program of projects aimed at ProCredit Bank’s business continuity.

De Novo, national operator of cloud services, and Bank’s IT-team completed the program of projects aimed at ProCredit Bank’s business continuity.

Project team of De Novo and ProCredit Bank completed successfully the large-scale program aimed at business continuity. The technical solutions implemented minimise risks of anthropogenic and natural disasters. IT continuity is an integral part of the bank’s strategy built on banking responsibility and top level of the services.At the project start there was a datacenter with IT infrastructure based on traditional approaches and technologies in the Bank.

De Novo experts developed IT continuity strategy for the Bank providing for transformation of the existed IT-infrastructure to private cloud model. The strategy was based on usage of innovative technologies to guarantee information system stability and tolerance to local failures, disasters as well as logical data corruption. Cloud technologies allowed to protect both existing and expected IT-services against the risks in a unified way.

Today the Bank’s IT infrastructure is located in two synchronized data centers with over 10 km between them. While functioning nominally the data centers share workload to provide for effective utilization of the technical assets. If one data center goes down, the other one fully undertakes its functions. Reallocation of applied landscapes between data centers is fully automated and initiated with the only one button in order to minimize negative influence of human factor in stress situation.The very important function is testing ability without impact on productive IT-resources. Testing report generated automatically as result of testing activation provides documentary evidence for correct operation of disaster recovery tools. Activation scripts relevance is ensured via tight integration with cloud operating system – technologic stack of virtualization and automatization.

The functionality described above is achieved due to usage of Red Button De Novo product. It’s based on VMware technologies and has been implemented in various Ukrainian banks. Centralized backup system integrated to cloud operating system ensures data protection against PC failures and human fails. Creation of cloud infrastructure and migration of IT-services took about a year. Red Button and centralized backup implementation as well as testing of complex functional characteristics and operating instructions elaboration and operating processes adjustments required half a year, too.

“To create failure tolerant IT infrastructure of such a scale we provided for comprehensive projecting with usage of the best practices and our own expertise. The project success relied on the factors that the Bank’s team was ready to the innovations and realized the necessity of system approach”, — notes Denys Emelyanenko, Head of De Novo “IT-infrastructure” Department.

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