Home De Novo Blog Ukrgasbank» chooses reliability of national cloud technologies operator
Ukrgasbank» chooses reliability of national cloud technologies operator

Ukrgasbank» chooses reliability of national cloud technologies operator


«Ukrgasbank», one of the largest banks in Ukraine deployed business critical IT-services in De Novo Cloud. De Novo, national operator of cloud technologies and leading provider of professional IT-services in Ukraine, secures the highest level of IT reliability for the financial institution while minimizing capital expenses and cost of solution ownership.  

«Ukrgasbank» belongs to top 20 banks in Ukraine enjoying the reputation of the reliablest financial institution. 20 years of operation brought of about 670 000 customers to the bank trust. The bank owns  236 branches and employs over 4000 specialists in Ukraine. Because of the economical crisis bank’s IT department faced a complicated task of cutting costs and keeping the same IT availability and continuity, that have a strong impact on bank’s effective operation.  Having considered the success stories of international interprises, Ukrgasbank team decided to test business critical services in De Novo cloud environment.

«The crisis offers an opportunity to review the requirements business sets for the IT-infrastructure. We’ve chosen the way we’ve been interested in for quite a long time», – Ivan Kalabukhov, Director of IT Development Department at Ukrgasbank comments the choice.  «This way demanded drastic measures and solved our task. We’ve to provide high level of reliability and agility in the changing market environment as well as to reduce costs».

The evidence of De Novo Cloud is the fact that cloud services have been delivered without a pause since June 2012 when the Cloud commercial operation started.  Furthermore, De Novo Cloud is based in one of the safest DCs that has been running with zero downtime since operation start in 2010.

«Economical crisis and geopolitical instability put effective IT-departments on severe test », – De Novo CEO Maxim Ageyev notes.  «IT teams don’t have enough time to analyze and review the situation and the only way to survive a business has is to ensure IT efficiency. As a result banks requiring top reliability and productivity prefer De Novo».

It’s worth mentioning that De Novo Cloud resources were doubled in October. With 1000 GHz processing resources, 4,5 TB RAM and 250 TB disc resources as well as about 300 TB mass storage De Novo Cloud is now six times larger than it was at the commercial operation start in June 2012.

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